SocialNuggets™ 3

Mattanaw’s self-built and architected publication platform and collection of interdisciplinary works. His growing unified Masterwork..

Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh

Started December 12th 2018

Sunday, March 8th, 2020

Nancy Lake State Recreation Area, AK, on a Snowy Day.

From a recent snowy visit to Nancy Lake Recreation Area.

I almost didn’t want to hike, because I thought visibility would be too low.

But it was quite nice, hiking out on a frozen lake, with nobody on it,

in the snow, and almost completely white conditions.

The tracks are from snow machines, which was the method clearly used by most

for access.

There weren’t many footprints at all, other than my own.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.travels @mattanaw.everywhere

#mattanaw #mattana #matt #travel #remote #remotish #alaska #ak #anchorage #wasilla #matsu #matsuvalley #snowmachine #snowmobile #snow #snowing #white #frozen #frozenlake #lakes #hiking #quiet #solitary #statepark #park #trails #hiking #alaskatrails #nancylake #nancylakestaterecreationarea #nancylakestatepark

Sunday, February 23rd, 2020

Denali on a Clear Day


Denali on a Clear Day

It’s amazing to be in a location,

just minutes from a clear and massive view of Denali.

Even this close,

Denali is 175 miles away, however.

The road doesn’t really come close to the summit.

It’s massive, so the closest you can get by road is still

more than 50 miles away.

These photos are from near Willow, Alaska.

Willow is where the official Iditerod start is located.

I hope I can make the Iditerod start this year.

It’s been a while.

Will see.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere

#denali #mtmckinley #denalinationalpark #nationalparks #nationalrecreationareas #clearviews #infrequentdenaliview #willow #wasilla #palmer #alaska #ak #alaskagrown #alaskagrown5years #sourdoughalready #sourdough #homesweethome #lovingalaska #snowy #winterweather #livinginabucketlistlocation #bucketlist #scenic #photography #niceday #iliketohike

Saturday, February 22nd, 2020

Lazy Mountain Trail, Palmer, Alaska


Hike up the lazy mountain trail, in Palmer, Alaska.

I’m now starting to explore the trails near my new home, just outside Wasilla, Alaska.

Online I found the "Lazy Mountain Trail",

and a nice barista at Perkup Espresso here confirmed it is a good spot to visit.

This time it’s solo hiker Matt.

Like last time.

It wasn’t the clearest of days.

But it was worth the hike!

I can tell that when it clears up, it will be spectacular.

Because the views from Palmer are already spectacular,

and this would provide some of the same sights,

from a higher vista.

As I left some of the clouds began to break,

and I could spot a massive peak, through the mist.

I’ll definitely try this one out again.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#palmer #wasilla #anchorage #matsu #thevalley #hikning #trails #trailrunnine #boots #hikingboots #mountaineeringboots #babycrampons #icecleats #steephike #challenginghike #upishard #downiseasy #scenic #photography #landscape #iphonex #outdoors #meditative #escapetheearthbygoingtotheearth #orsomethinglikethat #notworkingthisweekend

Monday, February 17th, 2020

Dying Speech of an Old Philosopher

Dying Speech of an Old Philosopher

I strove with none, for none was worth my strife:

   Nature I loved, and, next to Nature, Art:

I warmed both hands before the fire of Life;

    It sinks; and I am ready to depart.

‐ Walter Savage Landor, 1775-1864

I stumbled upon this, cracking open my

Norton Anthology of Poetry.

How strange is it, to coincidentally find,

some piece of writing,

and some frame of mind,

so akin to your own?

From another age?

How close is this to my mottos and themes in my ThoughtStream?

And this site itself?

This is why writing and reading,

can make the solitary or lonely,

feel connected again.

There are few like this today,

but someone of like mind,

thought this worth recording.

@mattanaw @mattanaws.mind @mattanaw.arts

#mattanaw #mattanaws.mind #philosophy #art #life #passion #lettinggo #writing #poetry #art #death #readiness

Monday, February 17th, 2020

Dandelion Love

While at Middleway Cafe recently with a friend, I noticed a painting that stood out to me.

I love Musk Oxen.

I love Dandelions.

I eat Dandelions.

The Musk Ox was eating, or otherwise vibing, with the dandelions.

Very nice painting.

I’m biased, but I like it.

"Dandelion Love"

Painted by Y. Thompson.

I would like something like this in my home.

If I didn’t move around so much I would consider buying it.

An alternative title might be:

O. Moscatus, con Dandelion.

This title isn’t as good as the chosen title.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.arts

#art #mattanaw #oilpainting #painting #akart #alaska #anchorage #dandelion #creative #wildlifeart #northernart #alaskanart #artsy #painty #houseit #addedcolor #munchthedandelion #cutemuskox #ilikemuskoxes #muskox #smooshynoses

Thursday, February 13th, 2020

Prom King Matt

Mattanaw, Prom King.

Should’ve been.

Wasn’t. I think.

I dropped out.


Probably not.

I’m like the guy that just shows up to the prom.

Was there a prom king?

Forgot that dude.

Sorry man.

Kim was cute.

Everybody knows Kim.


Matt is single, to be clear.

But he values

Every moment of his whole life.

Posting all the photos he has.

You should consider it too.

Now this is software architect Matt.

Otherwise, I’m pretty sure

you will lose everything

after not too long.

Privacy does not gain for you

what you think it does.

There is a slow lesson,

we are learning.

So slow.

Can I die now,

and be reincarnated?

This is not the time for me.

And it IS,


#mattanaw #highschool #md #maryland #olney #silverspring #aknow #anchorage #wasilla #meadowlakesak #ak #matsu #matsuvaley #throwback #prom #prompic #promafterparty #mattwithhair #whatmattlookslikewithhair #hecanhavehairstill #helikesthemilitarylook #shavethehead

Thursday, February 13th, 2020

Mattanaw Has Gifted Hands Maybe

Ben Carson wrote a book called "Gifted Hands".

I didn’t read it.

It might be good.

But now I’m thinking,

"Hey I must have gifted hands too."

They do things.

Seems to be true.

Only my hands are gifted.

Look at the hands.

They achieved veins.


They think for themselves.

Or, my brain parts

dedicated to hands,

can do things without much thought,

Did I type this?

Here are the words, partly without my knowing,

what the words will be.

They come fast too.

You should see.

I’m handy.

I’m good at using my hands

for other things too…

I bet you can’t guess what those things are.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere

#hands #handkins #giftedhand #handsthatdothings #handsthattype #typist #thoughtotext #anchorage #wasilla #matsu #alaska #handinak #ak #eastcoast #westcoast #pacificnorthwest #globes #uselesshashtag #prethoughttotext #itjusthappens #surgicalhands #surgicalnotsurgical #theytypeok #theydootherthingsgood #letmeknowifyouneedmyhands

Sunday, February 8th, 2020

Trying to Improve my Basketball game for 2020

For 2020, I’m trying to improve my overall conditioning.

I want to be stronger and faster.

Better weight lifting. Adding crossfit.

I also want to improve my basketball game.

I’ve always been pretty good.

Hard to tell in this video because I’m not up against anyone.

But for 2020 I want to improve my speed,

and maybe dunk.

And get back into playing one-on-one

or join a team.

I’m not sure.

But one of my favorite things to do is play basketball by myself.

it is soothing and relaxing.

Nothing quite like it.

I don’t think I’ll ever stop playing basketball by myself.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere

#alaskaclub #alaskaclubwasilla #wasilla #alaska #ak #basketball #multisport #crosstraining #personalimprovement #personaltransformation #playingalone #relaxing #solosports #meditation #meditative #tranquil

Original. MOV

Full Length. MOV

Thursday Night, January 30th, 2020

A rare empty gym moment.

Wait, the gym is empty? Well, then the gym is MINE!

A rare moment. Selfies and videos could commence.

I never took videos of myself exercising at the gym before,

but now I’m thinking it’s a good idea to catch problems with my form.

I’m experienced, but there are definitely improvements I can make.

Especially with shoulder position.

Let’s see if I can improve. If you have any tips, share them with me!


#mattanaw #fitness #emptygym #gymismine #gymlife #bodybuilding #fitnesslife #weighttraining #muscle #gains #selfie #videospotter #videoevaluation #videoanalysis #self-improvement #selfhelp #alaska #aklife #ak #wasilla #matsu #matsuvalley #alaskaclub

Monday, December 31st, 2019

More from Valley of Fire State Park, near Las Vegas Nevada

More photos from Valley of Fire State Park, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#lasvegas #vegas #nevada #valleyoffire #valleyoffirestatepark #lakemeade #nearlakemeade #nationalparks #stateparks #scenicdrive #windyroads #mustang #ford #mattanaw #anchorage #alaska #awayfromhome #businesstravel #business #tavel #consultinglife #consulting #sidetrip #remote #remotish #speed #landscape #scenery #scenicdrive

Sunday, December 30th, 2019

I can grow stubble. In Bethesda, Maryland.

Just trying to look good in a dirty shirt.

It’s not that dirty though.

Just after getting back from visiting a friend in DC, and back in Bethesda, Maryland.

Maryland is one of the many places I’m from.

I wish I had more time to visit everyone, but I will be back again soon!

I have stubble. It’s weird.

I can grow stubble!

No smiles right now.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#bethesda #maryland #olney #silverspring #anchorage #alaska #miami #otherplaces #dirtyshirt #shirtcanbeajacket #jacketedkinda #jacketed? #questionmarkhashtags #marriott #hotel #vacationish #rainyday #style #stylenotreally #travel #stubble #icangrowstubble

Saturday, December 28th, 2019

Summerlin near Red Rock and Las Vegas, Nevada

One thing I really enjoy about traveling with a car is finding really nice neighborhoods.

A spot that comes to mind is Sedona, Arizona. An amazing place to live with incredible scenery immediately nearby.

This time I was able to visit Summerlin in Las Vegas, near Red Rock National Conservation Area.

This was my second trip here since I visited Red Rock last time I was in Vegas, nearly a year ago.

It seems like a really cool place to live. You can see the city in the distance from up near the mountains, and people who live here have quick access to the park and other remote areas.

Can you imagine having this backdrop to your home? Like it was your own back yard?

I can see myself living here, although it is more likely I’ll be splitting my time between Anchorage, AK and someplace else I’ll find myself working.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#summerlin #nevada #lasvegas #vegas #mountains #desert #beautiful #scenic #neighborhood #niceneighborhoods #southwestisbest #southwest #clean #clear #landscape #nationalparks #nationalrecreationareas #realestate #development #photography #everydayamazing #amazing

Day, Month 15th, 2019

Jungle in Puerto Rico

Two weeks ago I made a trip to Puerto Rico with my parents and finally have the time to post about it.

We stayed in the Jungle near El Yunque on the eastern side of the island, and visited a tower overlooking the mountains and coastline visible from the national forest.

The jungle was lush and dense, and teemed with birds, amphibians and reptiles.

At night it was very loud, but peaceful. Frogs and other critters, most of which are nocturnal, were out making their calls, together combining into a constant cacophony.

A pleasant cacophony though!

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#puertorico #elyunque #nationalforest #jungle #cacapohony #nightsounds #animals #plants #vegetarian #vegan #bedandbreakfast #sanjuan #vieques #vequesnearby #islandlife #hammock #relaxing #relaxed #greatfood #atebreakfast #breakfastisgoodbut #flowers #travel #outofanchorage #outofdc #outofmd #maryland #washingtondc #anchorage #usa

Wednesday, December 25th, 2019

Valley of Fire, near Las Vegas, Nevada

The amazing Valley of Fire State Park outside of Las Vegas Nevada.

What a great place to go for a drive!

This time it was with a Ford Mustang.

Next time I hope to take out an exotic.

The roads are perfect for a fast but safe drive.

They are windy and hilly, with spectacular views.

This was a very worthwhile trip to take, in between travels to DC, Maryland, Puerto Rico, and soon back to Anchorage.

If you go to Vegas and need to get out of the city temporarily,

I recommend driving north to Valley of Fire!

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#valleyoffire #desert #desertdriving #windyroad #offthebeatenpath #lakemead #lasvegas #nevada #anchorage #alaska #washington #washingtondc #dc #districtofcolumbia #puertorico #vieques #travelfast #travelhard #driving #ford #mustang #worktrip #consultinglife #travellife #landscape #stateparks #nationalparks #scenicdrives #scenicbyways #fastpaced #cruise #musclecar

Christmas Day, Wednesday, December 25th, 2019

Christmas at the Bellagio in Las Vegas, Nevada

This December I was fortunate enough to spend some time with colleagues and friends in Vegas, for Adobe’s Worldwide Sales Conference.

Part of the conference took place at the Bellagio. The Bellagio is beautifully designed. I tend to prefer the hotels in Vegas with the classic Italian themes, like the Venetian and Caesar’s Palace, although I like modern hotels like the Aria as well. The ornate Italian hotels are especially well suited for Christmas ornamentation. While I was walking around the hotel, I discovered this annual exhibit that they show in their massive conservatory. It has amazing vaulted ceilings with a green metallic patina, like what you would see on aging bronze.

Las Vegas isn’t only about gambling! There’s so much to see.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#lasvegas #vegas #nevada #bellagio #bellagiohotel #italiantheme #italian #italy #christmas #xmas #merrychristmas #happynewyear #ornamentation #design #opulence #luxury #luxurious #travel #sightseeing #peoplewatching #people #displays #annualscene #holidayseason #seasonsgreetings

Sunday, November 3rd, 2019

Ignoring What is Definitely False.

Just admit the superstitions are false and move on.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaws.mind

#intelligence #smart #ignore #attention #attentionisvaluable #supersitionisnot #antisuperstition #antifalseobvious #eliminatetheobviouslyfalse #truth #logic #freedom #freedomfromstupid #freedomfromfoolish #freedomfromignorance #ignorance #ignoranceisnotbliss #knowledge #learn #learnandlive #moveon #moveonandlivefree

Wednesday, October 30th, 2019

Edited Friday, November 1st, 2019

Slow Motion Bumble-Bee Footage

Slow motion bumble-bee footage from my last road-trip.

I took a trip from AK to Seattle, and drove to Washington D.C. and back.

This footage was from near the University of Arkansas.

This was my first time ever using the slow motion feature on my iPhone X.

I didn’t even know it existed.

It was amazing timing to find the feature.

Thank you bumble-bee.

I guess.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere

#unexpected #theunexpected #roadtrips #drive #hotelparkinglot #bumblebees #flowers #slowmotion #slowmo #iphonex #alaska #anchorage #washington #dc #maryland #triptotheeast #westcoasttoeastcoast #bugsnstuff #nature #naturefootage #bee #beefootage #beesondrugs

Sunday, October 27th, 2019

Laundromat Play

You never know what will end up in your laundry.

Something to look forward to every time.

I had an onion waiting for a wrapper. And these things are clearly reusable.

Quarters are fun too for some reason.

What is with that?

This was from last week, but I just got finished at the same laundromat this week.

Good times.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.rvs @mattanaw.travels

#londromat #laundry #laundryday #quarters #onions #onionsandlaundry #laundrygifting #giftsappear #laundryisfun #anchorage #anchorageak #findingreasonsforlaundry #weirdthings #youputitonanonion #youscrubwithittoomaybe #washitagain #laundrysaysyoucanwashitoncemore

Sunday, October 20th, 2019

Onset of Winter in Anchorage 2019

Just some photos of recent snowfall here in Anchorage.

It’s the start of winter!

Some of this already melted,

but the mountains will stay white like this for the duration of the winter.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.rvs @mattanaw.adventure

Sunday, October 19th, 2019

Just a Big Kid in Anchorage

Just a big kid in Anchorage!

#alaska #anchorage #hometownnumber8 #homebase #lovealaska #coffeeshops #kaladibrotherscoffee #decafplease #favoritespots #iguessimintodecaldnow

@mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.everywhere

September 30th, 2019

Just some recent shots of the termination dust coming down Mattanaw’s Peak (also McHugh Peak),

captured just after exiting my RV a recent morning.

@mattanaw.rvs @mattanaw @mattanaw.travels

#anchorage #mountains #alaska #fattire #cycling #outdoors #wilderness #chugach #stateparks #nationalparks #land #landscape #solitude #relaxed #snow #trees #autumn #fall

September 30th, 2019

Here’s a shot from my road trip from August, after visiting a client/partner in Albuquerque, NM.

This was my first trip trying to do some minimalist camping.

1 person tent, with no fly in this case— out in the open skies.

I felt a little exposed! But it was nice. I slept in the tent exactly as it is shown here.

This is at Chaco Canyon in New Mexico.

It’s a little remote, and harder to access than some other parks, but it is worth it!

@mattanaw @mattanaw.arts @mattanaw.travels @mattanaw.adventure

#cacocanyon #chaco #canyon #southwest #roadtrip #cycling #camping #fattire #clearskies #intheopen #openskies #desert #relics #anthropology #nationalparks #nationalmonuments #america #newmexico #albuquerque #santafe #remote #offthebeatenpath #pictographs #petroglyphs #mesas #quiet #solitude #photography #parks #dryair #clean #usa #exploration #adventure

September 29th, 2019

Some spinning art wheels from Seattle Tacoma International Airport.

A nice sight at the end of a very long 10,000 mile plus roadtrip, from a couple months ago.

This was just after visiting Olympic National Park in Washington State.

It was a relaxing sight after a rush to the airport. Nice addition!

@mattanaw @mattanaw.arts @mattanaw.travels

#seattle #tacoma #washingtonstate #washington #roadtrip #flighthome #art #colors #spirals #design #shuttlewait #longtrip #omwhome #anchorage #alaska #america #unitedstates #artist #northwest #pacificnorthwest #airport #flights #illusion #perception #photography #experiences

September 24th, 2019

These photos are from a getaway trip to Homer, AK, where I spent a night in a treehouse.

I plan to return to stay in other rooms, because they are all dramatically different. Not all of them are treehouses.

It’s an artsy place to visit, that includes cabins, a garden, and chickens aplenty.

There are horses and a very nice view of the nearby ridgeline as well.

Take a look.

The place is called Cottonwood Cabins.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.travels

#ak #alaska #homer #cottonwoodcabins @cottonwoodcabins #cabins #treehouse #fireweed #ridges #mountains #boutique #hotels #art #artsy #design #decor #custom #handmade #builtbyhand #building #gardens #fields #chickens

June 30th, 2019

Video taken June 28th, 2019

First ride down my driveway with my new fat tire bike. Original Web Sized by Mattanaw. Written and edited solely by Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh. Terms and Conditions

I’m glad to say I purchased my very first fat tire bike.

Life in Alaska has felt incomplete without having a bike to ride.

I forgot how freeing it is to be able to get around on a bicycle.

Cycling is one of my first loves.

I let myself forget about it but now I can say I remember one of the things,

that makes me truly happy.

Several companies helped me get set up, but ultimately I grabbed it from The Bicycle Shop on Northern Lights. Thanks for your help! Thanks to Chain Reaction and REI for getting me on track too.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.travels

#alaska #cycling #mattanaw #anchorage #southanchorage #fattire #fattirebikes #thebycicleshop #chainreaction #rei #happy #simplethings #simplicity #exercise #commuting #experthelp #allseasonbike #fourseason #offroad #onroad #fitness #outdoors

June 22nd, 2019

Originally posted on June 4th, 2019, at off-grid-living-in-alaska.html

A Recent Hike Part of the Way Up to McHugh Peak. Original Full Sized by Mattanaw. Written and edited solely by Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh. Terms and Conditions

This is from an attempt to summit McHugh peak.

I like to think of it as Mattanaw’s peak.

In fact, that is another name for it now, since that’s what I call it.

This is the peak that is visible from my property.

It is snowy for most of the year.

I couldn’t quite make it to the top, because my heels were being rubbed sore by the back of my boots.

But I made it close, and now it’s something to look forward to for next time!

Yay for hiking adventures in Alaska!

@mattanaw @mattanaw.rvs

#summit #nearamountainpeak #rv #offgrid #country #countryliving #alaska #anchorage #ak #farnorth #mountains #camping #climbing #northwest #usa #america

June 18rd, 2019

Spent some time this late morning clearing out bushes for construction.

In the near future, I will have a new home on my property.

Built by hand? Mostly, but not completely. Not completely in the old-school ways.

I don’t plan to use a hand drill.

Nevertheless, it is closer to homesteading,

than the trespasser activities are.

Keep checking back to see more about the trespasser activities.

@mattanaw @mattanaws.travels @mattanaw.rvs

#hiking #rv #offgrid #country #countryliving #alaska #anchorage #ak #farnorth #mountains #chainsaw #construction #development #building #clearing #clearinglightly #wood #yardwork #landstewardship #livingoffthelandtoadegree #livingthedream #alders #supposedlytheyhavecanbeusedforsyrup #aldersyrup #willsee

June 3rd, 2019

@mattanaw @mattanaws.travels @mattanaw.rvs

#rv #offgrid #country #countryliving #alaska #anchorage #ak #farnorth #mountains #rainbows #photography #iphonex #landscape #breakintheclouds #prismatic #polychromatic #spectral #opalescent #versicolor #opaline #crackedoutthethesaurus #whatareotherwordslikerainboworrainbowlikeinuse #rainy #rainwaswelcometoo

June 2nd, 2019

New photos from the property, and my recent hike to up to the nearby mountain peak.

At the moment, there is no one living between myself and the mountains shown.

Video footage of my failed summit attempt to follow. (I made it to a secondary peak nearby before my heals were causing problems).

@mattanaw @mattanaws.travels @mattanaw.rvs

#mountains #alaska #anchorage #lovinglife #outdoors #sierraclub #nationalgeographic #naturalist #hikingalone #solitude #beauty #scenic #landscape #landscapephotography #ak #akspring #homesweethome

March 16th, 2019

Beware of the Ranker.

It’s an important method to be aware of.

Used by

The jealous.

The narcissistic.

And the obsessive.

Don’t be contained!

Different people know the different aspects of you. Don’t get stuck in one person’s narrowness!

@mattanaw @mattanaws.mind @mattanaw.arts

#darktriad #avoid #counter #psychology #defense #self-defense #watchout #notnarrow #bestrong #youremore #more #staypositive #doyou #uncontained #happy #open #multitalented #human #potentialisuncontained #noneedfortheenvious #imitator #potential #omni #expansive #eclectic #morethansomeknow #free

February 16th, 2019

If you’re creative: be free and bold!

No need to work too hard protecting your ideas!

Just share ’em.


@mattanaw @mattanaw.arts @mattanaws.mind

#mind #meme #quote #quoteoftheday #copyright #trademarks #ip #creativity #creative #elysiantrust #interrobang #freedom #doit #thinkit #thinkmoreofit #ideas #gifted #brains #makestuff #build #art #writing #music #design #innovation #beyou #fearless #bold #generative

February 8th, 2019

Just a beautiful spot on the beach by Hanalei Bay, in Kauai, Hawaii.

I’m not there now, but am reminiscing. After 5 weeks in resorts, I had to head back home to Anchorage.

Many of the beaches in Hawaii are fairly discontinuous.

They do not stretch without interruption as far as they do in Florida.

The Hanalei River creates a gap between the beaches at Princeville Resort and Hanalei.

Streams also appear because of the tides and other conditions. This is one such stream. Easily crossable. Others not so much.

Beaches have a very natural feel, and have curvature, and shapes, matching the island landscapes. Plant life can extend most of the way to the water in places, creating a more private, tropical vibe.

Some spots are more continuous, like at Polihale. So long stretches of beach do exist, if that’s what you’re looking for.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#hawaii #kauai #hanalei #polihale #island #beaches #streams #rivers #mountains #bays #hanaleibay #travel #reminiscing #remoteish #secluded #relaxed #chill #landscapes #scenery #travelphotography #photography #sand #water #contrast

February 4th, 2019

If you have the chance to visit Kauai, I highly recommend checking out the Lava Lava Beach Club, at the Kauai Shores Hotel in Kapaa (Coconut Coast).

It’s a restaurant and bar that extends right out onto the beach, that gets busy in the evening.

It seems to be a spot locals visit as well. A plus, if you don’t want to be stuck at the resort, with all those "resort people".

Gross right?

Only joking. "Resort people" isn’t even a real category.

It’s a chill spot. Plenty to do and see. It has a trendy feel almost, for a remote spot like Kauai.

@llbckauai @mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#kauai #kapaa #coconutplantation #hawaii #chillbar #bars #beach #resort #beachclub #beautiful #trees #travel #fresh #vacation #staycation #cooltrees #foodie #beer #work #consulting #consultingligfe #workisplay #island #aloha #love #views #greatlocation #comingback

February 3rd, 2019

Back in Anchorage.

It’s a little more work. But it’s beautiful.

I think it’s going to be an Anchorage-Hawaii time split.

Paradises and not paradise.

Cool spot here in AK is the writer’s block cafe.

Artsy, booky. Foods, drinks.


Enjoying myself here working and observing the art.

This piece caught my attention. Tristan Agnauraq Morgan. I love it. Popped big time.

Memories formed thereof. Thank you! And thank you @thewritersblockalaska.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.arts @mattanaw.everywhere#anchorage #alaska #spenard #art #artsy #writing #thewritersblockalaska #writersblock #legit #chill #ucanwork #foods #drinks #coffee #coffeehouse #beer #hangout #travel #nativestyle #alaskanative #cool #style #somanycoffees #nowritersblockever #ideas #decor #decoration #inspiration #beautifulsubject #real

February 3rd, 2019

Views when I was spending some time working poolside at the Princeville Hotel in Hanalei. It was a productive session.

"Why must that guy be on the computer?", I assume some thought, as they looked at me with distaste.

Changes in sun position. Transitioning shades of colors in the pool and mountains.

Not the usual office.

The best pools have tile surfaces. At some point, I want to see pools with mosaic tile surfaces at the bottom.

Pool-artworks. I will search specifically for these in Crete and Italy this year.

@st-regis-princeville-resort @mattanaw @mattanaw.travels @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.arts

#princeville #hanalei #kauai #pacific #placid #colors #contemplative #working #mindful #productive #energy #chill #serene #tiles #mosaic #notmosaic #hawaii #sunshine #poolside #pools #water #aquatic #aquaman #fastandfurious #fastandthefurious #filmedhere #coolcast #consultinglife #love #aloha

February 2nd, 2019

Every once in a while, when I’m just sitting in contemplation, I’ll notice some combination of shapes and textures contributing to my positive mood, without my being aware of it.

Beautiful, well constructed environments, have many elements not immediately apparent at first. You can enjoy them until elements pop out at you, revealing aspects of the positive experience.

The same is possible with seeing defects in an environment you enjoyed at first. You know it’s done right though, when there is more to discover in what you like, before you reach the point where the defects become visible.

The details in the decor at the Koloa Landing resort in Poipu, Kaua’i created a very serene experience.

I’m not sure exactly what I liked in this (some color and shape combination), but I wanted to capture it for when I design my home in AK. Or for if I get a place in Hawaii (that’s to be decided).

@koloalandingresort @mattanaw.arts @mattanaw.travels

#koloalandingresort #marriott #poipu #kauai #southshore #soutshorekauai #beach #details #decor #decoration #luxe #island #luxurycondo #design #meticulous #colorcombinations #shapes #arrangements #woodgrain #wood #classy #hawaii #serene #meditative #mindfulness #designinspriration #architecture #clean #relaxing #vacay #consultinglife #workisplay

January 29th, 2019

Some more photos of the magnificent Polihale, Kaua’i, as experienced from Jeepy excursions.

I’m proud of myself, for overcoming my distaste for Jeeps, and my decision, to enjoy them, in all their blocky unchanginess.

Fake commando in progress. With my miniature truck, that gets 11 mpg, for reasons I cannot understand.

Doesn’t seem advanced, but "Hey".

"Hey there…".

What were we talking about?

Oh yeah. Jeeps. They do the job well. Tight spaces, sandy pit escapes.

My Ford F-250 gets the same gas mileage… and tows 12,000 pounds.

It is confusing to me, but "Hey"

"Hey there…".

They make good U-turns too.

#jeep #gas #fuel #gasoline #beaches #beauty #landscape #sand #sunshine #uturns #lilshrubs #golden #goldencoast #hawaii #kauai #polihale #ilovethisplace #vacay #vacation #travel #outdoors #mountains #relaxation #meditation #offroad #remote #backsoon #heyheythere

January 26th, 2019

What a view from the Princeville Resort, overlooking Hanalei Bay in Kauai!

I was needing some recuperative "me time" and found it here.

With more than 180 degrees of unobstructed ocean and mountain views, there is very little to complain about. I spent my last two days with the windows wide open, listening to the crashing waves.

Mind blown. And then glued back together. With meditation glue.

Easily one of the most beautiful locations I ever stayed.

The service is phenomenal here. Can I work here? I’d work here.

Thank you @st-regis-princeville-resort!

#hanelei #hanaleibay #princeville #kauai #hawaii #island #beaches #sea #ocean #waves #meditation #contemplation #reflection #relaxation #beaches #metime #healing #health #chill #mindfulness #natural #nature #views #mountains #landscape #coral #reefs #luxury

@mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

January 22nd, 2019

Camping in Hawaii is amazing!

I always loved camping, but admittedly, it was something I normally did in the mountains or woods, at National Forests and Parks, and so on.

This was my very first attempt at beach camping. It was a learning experience, but it was totally worth it.

Also a first, was driving around in a Jeep. I was always biased against Jeeps, but they are perfect for getting the right access in Hawaii. I appreciate them now far more than I ever did before.

What a spot for firsts!? This is Polihale. These photos don’t do it justice. Polihale is amazing. If you visit Kauai it is another must. It is drier, and sunshine is more probable.

It is very different than Hanalei (another amazing location). It is fascinating that these climates are so close to one another.

I can live here for some of the same reasons I live in Alaska. It is rural, but there is still plenty of access to city life (and Honolulu is not far away).

It also isn’t too far from Alaska. Alaskans frequent Hawaii for this reason. If you have time for an extended vacation, you might want to do both. I did this in 2009 and it was cost effective.

I’m looking forward to calling this my home away from home! Especially because the people here are so kind!

Thank you Hawaii!!

@mattanaw.travels @mattanaw.adventure @mattanaw.everywhere @Jeep @Avis

#dreamlocation #parks #stateparks #hawaiiparks #hawaiibeaches #amazing #landscape #mountains #travel #cheapfun #beautiful #offthebeatenpath #hiking #island #islandlife #kauai #hawaii #camping #beach #beachcamp #thorns #stayawayfromthorns #adventure #remotecamping #secluded #alone #metime #quiet #atv #jeep #jeeps #offroad

January 17th, 2019

Shifted back from luxe-mode to adventure-mode, and the transition hasn’t been comfy.

I stepped into the woods for just a minute, and returned like this.

Sandals aren’t for hiking?

One thorn lodged completely in my foot, nearly an inch deep.

I hope I don’t get some miscellaneous disease!

@mattanaw.travels @mattanaw.adventure

#kauai #hawaii #camping #beach #beachcamp #thorns #stayawayfromthorns #adventure #remotecamping #secluded #alone #metime #quiet #keeptheshoeson #shoes #notflipflops #miscdiseases #diseases

January 17th, 2019

Some more sights from Princeville!

Lunch at Nalu Kai, at the Princeville Hotel.

Work, pools, and beaches are compatible.

Chickens and veggie burgers are not. Go away chicken!

@mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels @st-regis-princeville-resort @marriott @the-westin-princeville-ocean-resort-villas

#consulting #play #anjoy #consultinglife #chicken #kauaichicken #kauai #hawaii #island #pools #beaches #sunshine #clearskys #gooddays #enjoy #pleasure #palmtrees #warmth #revive #workisplay #foodsformatt #notforchicken #eatinglightish #saynotofries #pineapple #luxe #food #foodwithaview #roostersroosting

January 16th, 2019

Greetings from Kauai, at the Princeville Hotel (formerly the St. Regis) near Hanalei.

Tropical Jurrasicparkishness is nearby. Inspired by actual chicken dinosaurs.

This is an extremely beautiful resort. I was able to pop in several times from the nearby The Westin Princeville Ocean Resort Villas, also a very nice spot.

I think this is a must see if you happen to end up in Kauai, in the Hanalei area.

@mattanaw.travels @mattanaw.arts @mattanaw.everywhere @st-regis-princeville-resort @marriott @the-westin-princeville-ocean-resort-villas

#jurrasicpark #stevenspielberg #kauai #hanelei #princeville #hawaii #islandlife #beaches #secluded #private #privateish #tropical #relaxed #turf #greendesign #design #manicured #pedicuredtoo #travel #seeitall #dabbleinhotels #trynottobetoocool #morerelaxedthanbuddha #maybeanexaggeration #vicarioussurfer

January 14th, 2019

I had a wonderful stay this month at the Koloa Landing Resort at Poipu, Autograph Collection.

Usually I do not spend this much for a hotel…

I blame @Marriott for not giving it to me, as a lifer, but also, for tempting me into staying.

My suite was wonderful. Beautiful Garden views in the Garden Isle that is Kauai.

I highly recommend a stay. Beach access is amazing. It seems to be the drier side of the island as well.

Or, do as I do: visit all parts of a city or locale? There is no need to book weeks on end in one location.

Be like Mattanaw.

Do what you feel like when you feel like it.

@Miami is approaching again.

@quicksilver #quicksilver @hydroflask

#hawaii #kauai #poipukauai #miami #alaskagetaway #getawayfromalaska #poipu #marriott #marriottautograph #autograph #beaches #islandlife #luxe #yougetwhatyoupayfor #beautfiulresort #stunningsunets #sunsets #workhard #workisplay #nonstop #travel #luxury #realestate #flighty #flight #itwasworthit #life

january 14th, 2019

say "hello" to matt at 18. shooting pool, as he often did, just outside of d.c. in maryland.

former marylandian, detroitian, knoxvillian, miamivillian, charlottian, bostonian (kinda, nashuavillian), alasakervillian ("fast sourdough"), and now hawaiian (already?). nearly san diegoian. others too. all those things. i call myself what i feel like.

mostly international these days.

global citizen.

so much not incognito.

anyways i’m way off topic.

behold, the very slightly younger looking matt!

dms much appreciated (ignored mostly). try it though.

@mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#brokeaf #retirednow #retired #workisplay #yerconfused #immnotconfused #allover #global #international #flashback #maryland #baltimore #olney #silverspring #dc #virginia #detroit #knoxville #sandiego #nashua #boston #miami #ftlauderdale #charlotte #alaska #anchorage #northcarolina #hawaii #kauai #maui #oahu #bigasswaves #harvard #iamharvard #forgotwhatthispostwas

January 13th, 2019

A view of the secluded beaches from the coveted Hammerhead Room, at The Westin Princeville Ocean Resort Villas.

It had gorgeous panoramic views of the coastline from several hundred feet above.

Blue water, big waves, manicured greens, and chickens aplenty.

(Kaua’i has chickens running around everywhere).

A lucky first night in Princeville, Kaua’i!

@mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#retiredlife #hawaii #islandlife #hawaiilife #aloha #mahalo #kauai #princevillekauai #luxury #luxe #resorts #workisplay #playiswork #beaches #sunshine #surfing #vacation #relaxation #travel #travelphotography #photography #marriott #westin #homeawayfromhome #homeawayfromalaska #alaska #business

December 16th, 2018

A view of Sky Tower in Auckland, NZ, from The Great Ponsonby Art Hotel.

It doesn’t look natural. It is striking, foreign, like an alien space ship. From the movies that pretend to know what alien space ships would look like, if there actually were aliens.

Maybe it just landed there like that.

I should be Agnostic about that, because its possible.

Anyway, Ponsonby is a cool spot, with plenty of restaurants and things to do. I highly recommend paying a visit if you get the chance to visit Auckland.

@mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels @mattanaw.arts

#skycity #skytower #nz #newzealand #auckland #ponsonby #kiwi #greatponsonbyarthotel #arthotel #bedandbreakfast #cozy #comfy #cityscape #space #spaceship #alien #alienvisit #unnatural #ship #aircraft #spacecraft #ufo #doesntlooknatural #artificial #itlanded #itlandedthere

December 14th, 2018

The beautiful vertical gardens at the Campus Service Center at Harvard University.

This was a very nice place to sit and study! A pleasant discovery in my camera roll, from last month’s trip.

When I’m not living in an RV, I will emulate some of what I’ve seen here. I wonder which plants would be suitable replacements, here in Alaska.

@mattanaw.arts @mattanaw.travels

#gardens #green #sustainability #design #architecture #decoration #decor #inspiration #interior #livablespaces #greenarchitecture #greendesign #harvard #harvarduniversity #harvardsquare #university #college #study #reading #massachusetts #boston #cambridge #hangingout #anchorage #alaska #homedecor

November 30th, 2018

After the earthquake in Anchorage this morning, the only place I could find to get work done was called "Aftershock Espresso" 😂

Thank you @aftershock_espresso @ak.aftershockespresso for being open!!

I’m ok BTW and so far I have not heard of any deaths or injuries. Thanks to everyone who reached out! People are shaken but aside from business closures, everything seems to be mostly ok.

#anchorage #earthquake #spenard #earthquakes #espresso #caffeine #femacoffee #coffee #coffeeshop #stillworking #workanyway #grateful #alaska #anchorageisok #wereok #everybodyfine #gladitwasntworse