
Sunday, February 26th, 2023, at 3:36 PM Lower Hutt, New Zealand Time



Author: Dr.9 Mattanaw, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh, Retired

Interdisciplinarian with Immeasurable Intelligence. Lifetime Member of the High Intelligence Community.6

Former Chief Architect, Adobe Systems

Current President/Advisor, Social Architects and Economists International.



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Sexuality in my view appears to relate to much more than procreation, and desire to have relations with others, that have certain characteristics of attraction and or expectation of sexual behavior. It appears that sexuality relates to how we are able to have aesthetic experiences the way that we have them. There seem to be relationships of interest between our appreciation of art and our appreciation of animal beauty, and it is strongest perhaps in our noticing of others who seem to be desired candidates for sexual interaction. Objects that we enjoy have been named using women’s names and have been called “sexy”, for having a draw which appears to relate, again, to animal characteristics of beauty, like symmetry and some similarity to faces. The evolution of animals implies a long history of sexual development and appreciation for certain sightings of other animals that seem pleasant, among people and animals who rely greatly on vision. People also rely on cues that are not visual which have aesthetic properties relating to sexuality, including voice, and this is then used within music in interesting ways. Deep sounds are related to male properties, whereas higher pitch sounds are related to those of women, and variations of pitch of both men and women are related to various psychological states which relate to sexuality and desire.

Here I will provide considerable information regarding my own sexuality in a candid and open way, to provide an example that relates to my philosophy, and findings in my scientific approach. I have collected data on my own sexual experiences of attraction to give myself opportunity to study myself in a way that is honest and autobiographical, and also to have opportunity to study my own sexuality in a way to make it more scientific, even if the data is primarily about myself only. I think readers will find that this honest treatment will provide something of use to themselves and others. Since there is considerable diversity I expect many will read this and think my mind is quite unlike their own as it relates to sexual desire and attraction. However, I think most would agree that my approach is of use to them also; and that my experience is representative to a large extent the experiences of many who are of greater similarity to me than maybe themselves. Some will read this and think “this is just like me, or very close”, and for these readers especially I hope I can provide additional clarity on whatever experience seems to be shared. Either way I think insight into sexuality generally will be provided to anyone who reads this.

There are some controversial topics I wish to cover knowing that they relate to lingering issues in social life. One such topic is the natural vs. appropriate targets of sexual attractiveness to a male in particular, but with commentary on what might also be natural vs. appropreiate for women. A definite topic of interest is sexual interest as it relates to age. “Who might I expect or anticipate I may be interested in sexually naturally, if I’m a male, independent of any consideration as to what is appropriate or considered moral in a culture?” is a question a child might ask, in other words of course, but not get an honest answer to. I think most are unable to actually answer this effectively for themselves or others, but rather conform in their self-talk and communications with others, while also experiencing cognitively, various sudden interests in others who are outside of what is appropriate. I think this is a universal experience, which means that for any person taken at random, they willl not have an agreement between what they know they are interested in naturally from time to time and what they really think is appropriate, or how they talk about the topic to themselves and others. People will notice certain inclinations and then try to explain to themselves that that is not who they are, or that it is not really in their natural sexuality to have such inclinations. However, that would imply that there is an exacting match between social norms and sexual interest. If one examines life as maturing school age children, and teens, one knows that there has certainly been natural sexual interests which feel natural but later are no longer considered allowable and appropriate. If one made a circle diagram comparing what society expects and what one experiences psychologically, one would find definitely that for all people, there would not be a perfect alignment, meaning that they would not be the same circles. Another demonstration of this is that cultures do not have the same social norms and rules, which means you would be out of alignment with the expectations of another culture and they would be out of alignment with yours, and the cultures themselves would not be in alignment. Universally then, it appears natural interest is larger than what is considered appropriate.

I will spend considerable time sharing my view concerning my own sexuality including my own natural interests and what I think society expects from me, and what can be inferred from this more generally about human aesthetic experience, and general sexuality. After lengthy discussion of this topic I will transition to what I think is relevant to moral philosophy and ethics, particularly as it relates to my system of ethics. Some might think by raising the topic of moral philosophy and ethics that I am prepared to make certain judgements as to people’s behavior which is private, or my own behavior. However, my thinking even within my moral philosophy is scientific. The objectives aren’t merely to create prohibitions concerning behavior, but to put behaviors in context of a naturalistic description of behavior which is more complete and more descriptive in ways than what has been provided by popular culture, and perhaps others sources on the same topic. The objective is to have accurate knowledge. Accurate knowledge of how things are and how things unfold creates something akin to a forgiveness on behavior which is discovered or confirmed to be natural and common, or natural and recurring regularly, since some are behaving in natural ways but their particular culture has considered it inappropriate or unacceptable, or something to keep private. Keeping sexual behavior private, while discretionary, does create an effect of mutual non-understanding. One’s private behavior seems like something that would be embarassing if exposed, even if the behavior is normal, or less common but recurring over millenia, or less common, but with many examples nevertheless in present times. Privacy can create a feeling that one is alone in experience, when really many are experiencing or are doing the same. So again, a natural zoological undersatanding of human behavior, which is anthropology, is helpful for making one feel one’s behavior is not really not permissible.

Then there is the topic of human excellences and what one may do to advance selves in various ways to be better on certain measures than they already are. For example, this is a topic of interest regarding sexually transmitted infections, diseases, and illnesses. I will also share my experiences candidly regarding my own behavior, and what I’ve done to self-protect regarding sexual illnesses, in comparison to what is expected by society, and what plans really exist in relation to risks. I have health-data that I have shared and will continue to share relating to testing on sexual infections and transferrable diseases. To provide some indication of where I’m moving with this topic, I think people are very poorly equipped regarding plans and training for preventing sexual illnesses, but people pretend openly that their behavior conforms to what is expected, but what is expected is largely absurd.

Similarly, I think there are connections between this topic and the ethics of planning children. I have argued elsewhere that child having is largely a side effect of sexual desire and less about active planning of children. The lack of societal planning and preparation of individual ability to avoid sexual transmitted disease is related to inability to plan effectively around transmitting what is required to create children. In other words people will be having accidental or side effect children, more often I think than deliberate child birth. Even deliberate childbirth is often the result of long periods of sexual behavior which finally results in the desired effect, interpreted as having an actual child. Howver, this differs from visions as to what is desired even when it is deliberate, and planning seems to be uninformed regarding the fact that any child had must not be ultimately what is really wanted, since people are unable to predict what their child would be like in advance. So planning appears to be lacking where it is rarely deliberate, and obviously lacking when it doesn’t exist, in the more common case where people simply have children as side effects of sexual desire. Although very definitely this makes it clear that planning has not been great regarding having children, and this relates to planning around sexuality, it does fit us nicely in context with animal life on earth which has been assured to continue for some extended period because having children does not require planning. Instead, animals merely have to have a strong desire to periodically mate, and have sex, and this really does result in having offspring. Earth will continue to have new offspring from all animals because of plain desire for mating and not from planning.

However, once again, moral excellences may be had that are not presently extremely common. Knowledge can also provide forgivenesses of sorts fitting people into natural animal contexts, including the natural context of real human behavior. Greater knowledge on sexuality can create better planning and therefore relates to moral behavior and moral excellences. Moral excellences may include sexuality in ways which may not be anticipated by those who expect confirmation of current day moral standards. However since current day moral standards do not include realistic planning and training of individuals to really arrive at sexual excellences, it is understood that there is plenty of room for development. There is avery big gap in morality regarding what is possible regarding behavior, particularly with considerable knowledge and very extensive self-training. Imagine if plans for sexuality were really knowledgeable, realistic, and tailored to someone like you, and were available to you for your own additions and improvements, before you were born? Imagine they were provided to you when you were young. Imagine if they didn’t necessarily think your natural behaviors were inappropriate even if they did not correspond with certain expectations, but instead were accepting in various ways, because of the way that nature plays out without possibility of alteration, and with an understanding of sponteneity?

In keeping with the rest of this Book and Journal, and its structure, this book’s objective is to convey another ethic and moral philosophy while simultaneously providing my living autobiography, which intermixes with it. I use what I write here which makes my life, and my life is largely about learning and writing here. I really have mixed my writings over the years which appear here in with my own behavior. Sometiems I behaved spontaneously in ways which did not yet have moral teachings and I’ve used those experienced to create moral teachings for myself. Other times I anticipated life to come from readings of others, and from attending to what older people say and do, and have avoided certain behaviors I would not have wanted for myself. This is particularly the case regarding drug use and addiction, where I’ve been very successful avoiding issues. Other times plain observation and inferences about human natural behavior, like a zoologist watching the zoo of human-animals around me, that I’m also contained in, have allowed me to make certain decisions which have seemed to be beneficial for my life, like not having children. I know this has benefited my life, but also recognize some side effects of this choice, and see also that others may benefit from having children, again if it relates to moral excellences, or better decisions fitting on a more knowledgeable moral philosophy like the one I’m sharing. If one is interested in writings here one may find others within this book interesting, and again in those locaitions, covering most of my life, the ethic mixes with my own autobiography.

[Finished in one hour at 4:36 pm. Written semi-blind typed, read only on the spot as written partially, periodically with no inline reading at all. Unedited as part of a study in editing. No proofreading, spellcheck, or reading of what was written was done. I have not yet read this section.]

[More to come]



Age, Scaling, Mathematical Series, and Attractiveness

After birth your growth has scaling and series-like properties which appear to have some potential for mathematization. Complexity limits biologists in their ability to depict this scale and series, but there appear to be some places where simplicity exists, providing clear insights, more easily communicated. Conscillience of experience and science appear to show, for example, that there are uniformities of scaling and series relating to aging and attractiveness. This may provide a way for achieving a greater unification of sciences, including aesthetics, biology, mathematics, chemistry, physics and moral philosophy.

In a recent share of an incipient idea with the high intelligence community, I provided notes related to a potential psuedo-proof or potential proof, greatly resembling a mathematical one, with some missing pieces which appear mainly statistical, indicating preference for youth in sexuality (Mattanaw, 2023). I’m aware there would be differences between males and females, and others, that account for a need to modify the proof slightly depending on which group or individual is being considered, however it is believed that this really does appear to point to a uniformity in human sexuality, and probably a uniformity in animal sexualy for a large number of species. Those notes were cursory and pointed direction for my own advancements on this topic, which are here explored.

It may be useful, from the start, to show the mathematical partial-proof, of such a complex and interdisciplinary topic. Then it will be discussed what is missing, and what is weaker in the proof. Following an honest discussion of weaknesses, will be a discussion of strengths and possible ways to develop on this finding.

The prior section in this work will explain my own views as to my own attractions of others, with some possible generalizations. It must be known that I can speak best for myself although I am adept at thinking objectively, and naturally do that. But that objectivity would be incomplete, and so there are limits to my ability to perspective-swtich. This proof is focused more on my experience, and yet is still expected, to generalize, with modifications. Notice that sexuality, is understood to be sexuality. This implies thre is an understanding of boundaries and scope, and thinking in a Darwinian way, that there are definite bridges between note only people, but between much of the animal kingdom, explaining evolution. Your sexuality has components that are generalizable, and this means the same for my own sexuality.

It is expected that readers will find points of disagreement. For any point of disagreement, it is likely that the author knows, or agrees with the contention. It is not possible to cover all contentions or already envisioned areas of disagreement.

Semi-formal partial sci-mathematical proof:


Let D designate an object corresponding to a daughter, of a number of children. D is a potential hypthetical spouse I’m considering for marriage. We will treat D as a real number1, although we will recall also it is a person who is a complex object with properties.

D ages in time, and this allows us to order M in time on a series Mdelta t, which we conveniently increment on seconds2. M as a zygote, from fertilization of egg and sperm, or from meiotic identical twinning, has a series starting at Dt=0, and at death, which is not understood well, but can be understood for simplification as medically decided death, is Dt(death)-t(0). This allows us to arrange M on a series as follows:

D0, D1, …, Dt(death)

The entire life and appearances of D, fall between D0 and Dt(death), and a real series in time3, and a subset of this what is seen by myself considering M as a spouse.

We will also note, that we have different words M in growth to death, and maturization. We will omit these and only use the series. It is expected this will indicate the series is more valuable and math-like than one might immediately think. Words in language would lead one to think there is not a series, and take focus from the series, while we are aware that all words for stages of maturization are less words, than a simple measure of age.

We will introduce further daughter D. Mother has formed a zygote for Daughter D sexually at time Mt(conception). Tconception, we will say is t=19. For the daughter there is a life-series:

D0, D1, …, Dt(death)


Assumption 1.

Assumptions are required to give a clarified example. We will assume, thatfor M and D, there aren’t extreme changes along path of maturity. It is known that this will occur, however, we will rely on statistical expectations of typical age progression. For example, M & D will be thinner in youth, and will put on weight. They will grow in height. They will have development of primary and secondary sex characteristics, some on milestones, some on series. There are many parallel changes of traits too numerous to mention, but in appearances visible, much goes according to expectations. Maturity is somewhat well understood for appearances and for individual experience there are many people to see (they are experiential scientists on their own seeing of other people in lifespan). Compare the greatness of the supply of information with not having information.

M & D have their lives recorded, in time-step, on seconds, to show time-lapse of their aging. So you could watch a fast video to see their aging. Their aging shows what appears to be normal human againg, with no serious disease or conditions, similar to prior generations (expected).

Assumption 2.

D is genetically highly similar to M.


Here we will introduce the notion that a legitimately trusted cultural heuristic may be employed as an axiom, with a need for statistical precision). In other words, it is already trusted as premise in arguments, and as a premise of moral behavior. However, a complete scientific justification of the pemise, on statistics, and modelling, and exact fitting of models to data, is lacking. Predictive power exists and medically assumed for some such premises (for example, that genetic similars, will have increasingly analogical inferential instruments based on similarity, scaling from identical twins to separate animals). This simply says, it is well-known, and required knowledge, that people who are genetically related, have similarities of interest. It is culturally and medically accepted, but something such as genetic similarity in family resemblance is still not complete enough to know that soundness of arguments exists for certain, and doesn’t have a complete statistical justification according to a combined error expectation for any or all object properties, separate or in combination.

So this a trusted premise that has experiential information in its favor to an extent of cultural assumption.

Axiom 1.

Axiom 2.

This axiom is similar to an assumption, and an axiom is a more trusted than usual assumption. One can say there are no axioms but a scaling on assumptions, and that assumptions are reused premises. That taste for myself MATTANAW is nearly a constant. There is a core constant, with a periphery of taste, that bounds all taste MATTANAW has, and describes the lack of huge variety. An important example, is that I don’t want any other species, and want less any other race of people, which is supported by Darwinism.

Axiom 3.

If D and M have similar lives and sufficiently similar DNA, they approach identicals or clones. With sufficient similarity, if MATTANAW likes D, then MATTANAW likes M, and vice versa. Just as MATTANAW would like twins. This can be expressed as

In recordings of D, nude, at Dmaturity


In recordings of M, nude, at Mmaturity

If one is pornographically of interst, the other would be.

M = D with respect to appearance4

Argument-Proof Steps

  1. Let D be daughter, with lifetime depicted as steps Dt(conception) through Dn=t(death), or D1…Dn
  2. Let M be mother, with lifetime depicted as steps Mt(conception) through Mn=t(death), or M1…Mn
  3. Axiom 3. Mmaturity = Dmaturity
  4. Axiom 2. Mt=not-too-aged = Dt=not-too-aged
  5. Axiom 1. To know if the daughter will be of interest later, one checks the mother at some t-not-too-aged. If still attractive, one expects a parallel attractiveness series for D and M. I.e. the marriage will work regarding attractiveness.
  6. Following 5, for D and M there are corresponding parallel series of expected attractiveness, which are Mmaturity … Mt=not-too-aged = Dmaturity … Dt=not-too-aged.
  7. For the parallel series, for any time t, M = D regarding attractiveness, and D = M, bounded according to 6.
  8. Axiom 4. Strength of attraction is related to age, as Mmaturity > Mt=not-too-aged, and also Dmaturity > Dt=not-too-aged, which implies D = M, for attractiveness, where time is equal. “The life of the mother is similar to the life of the dauther, and vice versa, regarding attractiveness to others.” Notice it’s expected the mother can teach
  9. Axiom 5. Mother can teach daughter, including recursively the axioms themselves. The axioms are heuristic cultural devices which would be what could be taught. Nothing else exists that could be taught if not similar expected experience. If there is no recurring analog there is nothing to teach!


Conclusions are only inferences of interest coming from premises, but not terminating even at the conclusions. (conclusions are premises).

  1. Daughters are identical to mothers in attractiveness, one is less than the other on attractiveness, regarding comparison of age, in sub t. If the mother is seen younger, in recorded images, video, or pornography, she will be preferable to the daugther at any age. Daughers, being living similars to recordings, are preferable already, in actual time, for being earlier than mothers. The same is true the other way around.
  2. As in Indian culture, a mother can be used to predict if a daugther will be compatible. (Assumes taste is unchanging in MATTANAW, according to Axiom N).
  3. Similar to 2, then, attractiveness to a mother can be proven by attractiveness to a daughter. [I can show why I like someone older with someone younger who clarifies what looks good in the older].

Potential Conclusions

Potential conclusions includes what is thought to possibly be inferrable, on intuition, to what has been explained, perhaps with additional known and shared experiential information.

Scrumpt Data



Darwin, C. (1872). Origin of the Species Project Gutenberg. Retrieved from:

Mattanaw. (2023). A Mathematical Proof-like Demonstration of Preference of Youth to Age in Aesthetics from Sexual Preference and Cultural Example Retrieved from: a-mathematical-proof-like-demonstration-of-preference-of-youth-to-age-in-aesthetics-from-sexual-preferences-and-cultural-example


  1. It may seem strange to treat a mother related variable as a number but mathematicians would not find this strange or odd. This note is for readers who might be less familiar with mathematics, such as the foundations of arithmetic in logic. Given my other work on mathematics, I may treat it as a wanattam and also not a real number, but something more akin to a rational number, not infinitely divisble.
  2. Seconds would be a candidate wanattam with respect to this mathematical decision.
  3. The present author was tempted to say space-time, or only “shifting” instead of time, or space-time, given his trajectory of scientific creative development. However, for simplicity, local space-time increments as time is suitable and intuitively sufficient.
  4. Strictly speaking, these two people are not equal, but there is an interchangeability of sorts, on aesthetic tastes, given one is a near copy of the other. One could use the visual data to confuse that the mother is the daughter and the daughter is the mother, at a time MATTANAW didn’t know either, depending on photography, IF the similarity is approaching identity which is cloning for separate generations. It is known some mothers are highly similar to daughters.